The Best Way To Save On Auto Insurance

Strangely enough, auto insurance in fact, almost any kind of insurance -- is purchased begrudgingly. If you never have an accident, a fire, a serious medical condition, it's hard to watch all that money go out the door every month with no return on investment. Most people vehemently resent paying insurance premiums because they are sure they will never see that money again. For 10 years I owned an insurance agency that sold, among other types, auto insurance. This was at a time when computers were but a dream. We agents had manuals -- very large, cumbersome manuals --for every insurance company we represented. We had to know what our own companies offered, and routinely we would shop other insurance companies to find out what the competition was doing.When you consider the number of drivers, their gender, their age, their abilities, and then consider the number of different automobiles there are, the combination of drivers and cars is 10 times greater than the odds of winning the national lottery. And each of these combinations has their own unique rate for auto insurance. With insurance, one size does not fit all.
What does your insurance premium buy? Very simple. Peace of mind. Yes, you can get in your car and drive from here to kingdom come without worrying about an uninsured driver hitting your car. You can leave your home without worrying about it burning down and not being able to replace it. You can go to the hospital and not worry about how you're going to pay the bill. That is peace of mind, and that is what insurance buys.
But that peace of mind doesn't have to come at the highest cost. Most people today are no doubt overpaying for insurance -- especially auto insurance. Why? Because they are too lazy to do a little leg work. The best way to save on auto insurance is to SHOP AND COMPARE.
That's right. Saving money on auto insurance is as simple as shopping around and comparing prices from competing companies.
Let's face it. It's a pain in the neck to change auto insurance carriers. It's easier to keep the status quo. But if you knew that you could save $50 per month, would you do it? Most people would even with the inconvenience. I guess ignorance is bliss, though. If you don't know how much you could be saving, it's easier to stay put. So if you're not willing to shop and compare, don't complain about how much you're paying. 
Even though I know better, I was just as lazy until one day I had nothing better to do. I went to a web site and filled in my information. Within one day I had quotes from four different companies, and one of them saved me nearly $500/year on my auto insurance. I don't know how many years I could have been saving this kind of money, but I'm guessing I could have saved enough money, if not to buy a new car, certainly enough to make a sizable down payment on one.

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