If you have a good driving record, with no accidents, no speeding tickets and so on, you will typically get a better rate than someone who has a poor driving record. That's why young people, with no record, typically pay more! It's because the insurance companies look at the records of all young people, in aggregate, and know that that age group simply has the most accidents. And so they must be charged accordingly.
You need advice on how to find cheap insurance, and I'm here to give it you. There are many factors that go into the cost of your insurance premium. Once you understand what those factors are, you can "massage the data" as it were, to ensure that the insurance company you choose will give you the best rate.
Where you live is also a factor, and how far you live away from your work. If you drive several miles to work and back, you could pay more for insurance than someone who just works right around the corner from their job site. Insurance on a brand new car costs more than insurance on an old beater. That's because it costs more to fix or replace that brand new car. If you buy an old beater, you might not even want any insurance on it at all! (You will always have to have liability insurance, of course. Roughly speaking, that's insurance on other people's cars!). Again, insurance companies have records on all makes and models of cars, from the year one onward. Which ones break down the most, which ones are stolen most frequently, and so on. All that is factored into the premium on comprehensive insurance.
So to find cheap insurance, keep all this in mind before you even buy the car!
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